Reasoning MCQ Questions For All Exams-Similarities and Differences-Paper 1

Similarities and Differences MCQ Questions in Reasoning


similarities and differences Introduction

In reasoning, the ability to identify similarities & differences is crucial for drawing accurate conclusions and making informed decisions. When comparing and contrasting two ideas or concepts, it is important to recognize their commonalities and distinctions in order to gain a deeper understanding of their relationship. By identifying similarities, we can better understand the shared traits between two ideas and use this information to make logical connections. On the other hand, by recognizing differences, we can distinguish one idea from another and use this information to make informed decisions. In this context, understanding the similarities and differences between concepts is essential for effective problem-solving, critical thinking, and decision-making.

Directions to Solve

To solve similarities and differences, it is important to carefully examine the characteristics of the two objects, ideas, or individuals being compared. Start by identifying their shared traits and then move on to their distinguishing features to gain a deeper understanding of their relationship and unique characteristics

Some Examples and Explanations of “similarities and differences” Questions

Example 1: In the following question, select the related number from the given alternatives.

198 : 66 :: ?

1. 146 : 46
2. 144 : 48 
3. 142 : 42
4. 148 : 44

Answer:- 2. 144:48

Explanation: Given: 198 : 66 :: ?
The pattern followed is as follows:
198 : 66
= 66 × 3
= 198

From the options,

A) 146 : 46
= 46 × 3
= 138

B) 144 : 48
= 48 × 3
= 144

C) 142 : 42
= 42 × 3
= 126

D) 148 : 44
= 44 × 3
= 132

Hence, the answer is 144 : 48.

Example 2: DIRECTIONS: Three of the four figures marked A, B, C, and D are in sequence or similarity in some way or the other, while one of them is different from the rest. You have to choose the figure which is different (odd).

1. (A)
2. (B)
3. (C)
4. (D)

Answer:- 4. (D)

Explanation: Given:
Four images are given.


The first three images are having one, two, three lines whose half portion is placed inward and half outward.

But, in the fourth image, there are four lines which are placed inward. So, this image is the odd one out, does not belong to the rest of the sequence.

Hence, the answer is (D).

Example 3: DIRECTIONS: In the following question, select the related letter / word / number from the given alternatives.

January : Month : : Wednesday

1. Day
2. Year
3. Hour
4. Time

Answer:- 1. Day

Explanation: Given:
January : Month : : Wednesday


As, January implies a month,


Wednesday will imply as a day.

Hence, the answer is day.

Similarities and Differences Questions Paper 1